Mzuri, specialists in conservation farming equipment, will be launching a precision seeder option for its Pro-Til range of striptill drills at Cereals 2017, stand number 3054. This year’s event takes place at Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire, on 14th and 15th June.
Precision seeding in one pass
The new precision metering feature on the Pro-Til drill offers accurate seeding depth and spacing from a single pass system, resulting in huge cost savings.
Pro-Til’s advanced precision seeding option eliminates the need for prior cultivations and enables users to precision plant crops directly into previous crop residue or grassland, thus conserving moisture and soil’s natural structure.
Creating optimum establishment conditions
Retention of moisture, fertiliser placement and soil reconsolidation at seeding time have been proven to play an essential role to successful establishment of precision crops. The Pro-Til precision drill places the seed into moist, friable and nutrient-rich seeding environment and reconsolidates for maximum soil-to-seed contact, creating a perfect environment for successful germination.
Independently operating leading discs cut through surface residue. A breaker leg prepares a strip of clean, friable soil and places a band fertiliser to provide a nutrient boost for the developing roots. Each band is reconsolidated by a following press wheel to remove clods and air pockets.
The seed is precision placed behind Mzuri’s latest design low disturbance coulter which is followed by a second reconsolidation wheel for perfect soil-to-seed contact.
Precision metering with additional functionality
Each Pro-Til seeding unit boasts its own individual height and depth control.
Hydraulically-operated seeding legs exert constant down pressure that can be adjusted on each individual leg.
The system uses adjustable-pressure vacuum metering to accurately space crops, regardless of seed size. Each unit contains a metering disc and a singulator to prevent skips or doubles and is driven by an electric motor which maintains the same seeding distance at variable speeds.
A bulk fill system continually replenishes the mini hoppers on each metering unit directly from the Pro-Til’s dual 3400 litre tank (split 2040 litre seed/1360 litre fertiliser capacity) for reliable non-stop drilling.
Multiple drilling operations from one drill
The precision seeding kit should be available for the 2018 season as an option on new Pro-Til drills or for retrofitting to older models, further extending the drill’s versatility to carry out striptill, direct drilling and now, precision seeding operations with one drill.