Mzuri double award winners at the 2019 Agri Machinery Trade News Excellence Awards

The Mzuri team are delighted to be the winners of not one, but two prestigious awards at the 2019 Agri Machinery Trade News Excellence awards. The winners were announced on the 8th of March at Concorde based at Manchester Airport.

Guests were treated to a guided tour around the famous aircraft before being handed over to Andy Newbold, publisher of Agri Machinery Trade News, for the presentation of awards.

The Manufacturer Excellence Award for Parts & Service Support

Mzuri’s parts and service team were nominated for the Manufacturer Excellence Award for parts and service support for their exceptional support to both dealers and customers. Will Davies, Sales Manager and Ben Blackford, Service Manager accepted the award on the team’s behalf beneath Concorde’s steps.

Commenting on the award, Will Davies said, “Thank you to those who voted for us; we pride ourselves in providing quality service and support to all of our customers. The team effort makes this award particularly special and I know everyone involved is thrilled to receive such recognition”.

The Blue Ribbon award for Outstanding Contribution to Agricultural Machinery Winner

Perhaps the most prestigious award of the day, the Blue Ribbon award for outstanding contribution to agricultural machinery, was awarded to Martin Lole, Mzuri’s founder and Managing Director.

Awarded for his extensive knowledge and dedication to the agricultural machinery industry, Martin has been the driving force behind Mzuri’s development and growth. Unfortunately, he was unable to attend the ceremony, so part of his team accepted the award on his behalf.

Judges commented, ‘Everything this company seems to do is right, and Martin has seen the concept through from initial idea to its current market position’.

The Mzuri team would like to give a big thank you to all those who took the time to vote. It is a privilege to be recognised for their efforts in the industry as they strive to continue to provide exceptional service.

Mzuri to showcase latest range of strip tillage equipment at SIMA 2019

Mzuri, a British producer of specialist agricultural machinery, will be in Paris from the 24th to the 28th of February displaying their innovative product range at SIMA 2019.

Visitors to stand 5b B 085 at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition centre will be able to see the Pro-Til 6T one pass drill, the Pro-Til 4T Xzact precision seeder and the Rezult stubble rake.

Pro-Til 6T

Taking centre stage will be the largest in the Pro-Til fleet – the 6T. The innovative one pass drill features the same innovations as its smaller counterparts including individually hydraulically pressurised pivoting coulters that accurately place seed in the centre of the tilled zone – even in undulating ground. The large dual tank is capable of band placing fertiliser below the seed to ensure early nutrient accessibility and improve efficiency of fertiliser use.
In addition to carrying out multiple operations including fertilising, drilling and reconsolidation in just one pass, the Pro-Til drill can perform the job of three machines – a strip till drill, a direct drill and a precision seeder.

Pro-Til Xzact Precision Seeder

The Pro-Til 4T Xzact model will also be showcased at SIMA representing the latest in Mzuri’s precision seeding technology. The Xzact system combines the accuracy of conventional precision seeding placement with the benefits of the Mzuri one pass strip tillage system. Available as a retrofit option to existing machines, the Xzact precision technology provides users with the ultimate in flexibility.

Electronic precision seeding units and coulter assembly delivers consistent single seed placement, whilst constant hydraulic pressure of each coulter arm ensures seeding depth accuracy is maintained at all times.

Crops are accurately spaced regardless of seed size thanks to adjustable-pressure vacuum metering. Each unit contains a metering disc and a singulator to prevent skips or doubles and is driven by an electric motor which maintains the same seeding distance at variable speeds.

Unlike conventional precision seeders, the Pro-Til Xzact extends drilling and reduces downtime by automatically replenishing mini-hoppers via a bulk fill mechanism directly from the main tank.

REZULT Stubble Rake

The REZULT rake has earned its place in the Mzuri strip tillage system as an effective tool against blackgrass and slugs. The five-row tine harrow, incorporating leading discs, creates the perfect level of tilth to encourage weeds to chit, as well as providing growers with a means to mechanically destroy cover crops prior to drilling.

The heavy duty tines are capable of reducing reliance on slug protection products by physically breaking up slug habitats and exposing eggs to the elements – particularly effective on a hot day.

With a multitude of applications the Rezult stubble rake delivers flexible seedbed management in a robust and reliable package.

Mzuri’s range of establishment equipment proven to cut costs on farm

Mzuri, a British producer of specialist agricultural machinery, will have their innovative product range on display at LAMMA 2019 taking place over the 8th and 9th of January at the NEC Birmingham. Visitors to Mzuri’s stand 19.350 located in Hall 19 will be able to see the versatile Pro-Til 3T one pass drill along with the Rezult stubble rake and the Razorback Auto-Level 550 rotary hedgecutter.

Pro-Tils versatility combines three drills in one 

Offering a selection of seeding coulters, Mzuri’s unique ‘direct till drill’ is capable of performing the job of three machines – a strip till drill, a precision seeder and a low disturbance direct drill – making it suitable for establishing most combinable crops. In addition, it can carry out multiple operations including fertilising, drilling and reconsolidation in just one pass.

The full scope of the Pro-Til’s innovative drilling system will be on display at the NEC this year including different leading leg and seeding coulter configurations. The Pro-Til offers two coulter types – a double shoot coulter for a conventional finish when drilling arable crops such as Wheat and Barley and a single shoot coulter for beans and precision seeded crops such as Maize – allowing the drill to turn its hand to almost any arable crop.

Rezult Stubble Rake 

An integral part of the Mzuri strip-till system, the Rezult rake provides users with another tool in their arsenal against blackgrass and slugs. The five-row tine harrow fitted with leading discs creates the perfect level of tilth to encourage weed chit used as part of a stale seedbed management plan. Featuring heavy-duty tines, the Rezult can be a useful addition to a slug programme by breaking up slug habitats and exposing eggs to the elements, reducing chemical control reliance.

Razorback Auto-level 550 rotary hedgecutter 

The Razorback boasts revolutionary technology that offers users a cleaner, faster and more efficient cut. The 1.5m wide, 5.5m reach head features three four-blade rotors on a vertical axis which maintain contact with the hedge during their entire 360° cycle – providing an unrivalled finish.

The innovative head is lighter than its conventional flail counterparts and subsequently has lower power and maintenance requirements.

Strip-till system opens up new opportunities for young farmer

Herbert Hindley is a fourth generation farmer and first generation strip-tiller who’s ventured into the realms of increased yields, improved soil structure and reduced costs. Thanks to selective tillage, Mr Hindley now manages over 1,000ha across a combination of owner-occupied and tenanted estates with a whole range of soil types. The young farmer puts his recent success down to a change of thinking and adopting a more holistic approach to farming, backed by his forward-thinking agronomist Andy McLellan.

Read the full article below and find out how the one-pass Mzuri system helped Mr Hindley grow his business.

Farmers Guide reports.

Farmers Guide Article

Herbert Hindley

Herbert Hindley is a fourth generation farmer and first generation strip-tiller who’s ventured into the realms of increased yields, improved soil structure and reduced costs. Thanks to selective tillage, Mr Hindley now manages over 1,000ha across a combination of owner-occupied and tenanted estates with a whole range of soil types. The young farmer puts his recent success down to a change of thinking and adopting a more holistic approach to farming, backed by his forward-thinking agronomist Andy McLellan.

Read the full article below and find out how the one-pass Mzuri system helped Mr Hindley grow his business.

Farmers Guide reports.

Strip Tillage Pioneers Progress – Tillage Magazine Harvest 2018

of research and development of reduced tillage crop establishment equipment and best practice techniques. Tillage magazine visited Springfield Farm in Worcestershire, Mzuri’s trial farm and test ground, to get the low down on the company’s latest product – the Pro-Til Xzact Precision Drill.

Soil health is firmly at the heart of the Governments agricultural agenda as we move towards a post-brexit era of farming policy. Tillage practices and minimising soil disturbance at establishment are expected to be major factors in determining the future of agricultural support here in the UK.

Someone who has promoted and researchd reduced tillage operations for numerous years is Worcestershire farmer and engineer Martin Lole, the Managing Director and Head of R&D at Mzuri. In 2011 Martin launched his Mzuri PRo-Til striptill drill, which localised soil disturbance to a narrow band of soil around the seed and enabled single pass drilling.

Tillage Magazine reports.

Tillage Article