Dry Spring Highlights Clever Drill Design

Featured in July 2020’s edition of Direct Driller, we go back to basics with the Mzuri system and look at the Pro-Til’s clever design.

Highlighted by the dry spring, the Pro-Til’s ability to generate a perfect seedbed without loosing critical moisture has been a key factor in the success of spring cropping on the Mzuri trial farm. Farm Manager Ben Knight explains:

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Chris Heath

Location: Warwickshire

Fourth generation farmer, Chris Heath and his family have been farming Warwickshire countryside along the historic Fosse Way since the 1940’s and now farm 3300 acres. With a broad portfolio of soil types ranging from sand to heavy clay, the family’s enterprise is diverse and in addition to their arable enterprise, they also run an agricultural manufacturing business – Heath Engineering. Manufacturing a range of tele-handler implements including the Heath Super Chaser, the company also makes 16t grain and silage trailers and 32’ flatbed trailers. Alongside this Chris and his family also operate the diversification, Newbridge Straw Products and produce straw bedding products for the Equine and Poultry markets, largely using raw materials produced on their own farm.

Up until more recently, the arable enterprise has largely been plough based but in response to the rising cost of fuel and increasing grain price volatility, Chris and his family have started to move away from heavy cultivations. The farm went down the min-till route with a popular tine drill which proved beneficial but after poorly performing headlands – and a lot of them, the decision was taken to purchase a Mzuri Pro-Til 4T to increase crop consistency whilst still keeping fuel usage down and minimising machinery and labour costs.

Described as a ‘leap of faith’ Chris took delivery of the four metre Pro-Til at the start of the year and after less than 6 months of ownership, has defined the Mzuri as a ‘god send’.

Chris suggests that one of the most noticeable differences in his Spring crops this year is the consistency across all his different blocks of fields, as well as a staggering improvement of consistency within each field.

This consistency is most remarkable on a headland of Spring Barley that was earmarked for woodland due to its consistent poor performance. “The headland in front of the wood has always performed poorly and lies very wet. With the Mzuri, it’s allowed me to drill when its ready and the front leg lifts out wheelings giving me good establishment edge to edge – it’s all good.”

Part of the reason Chris believes the Mzuri Pro-Til performs so well on headlands is down to the patented independent pivoting coulters. Accommodating both horizontal and vertical movement, the coulters pivot to follow the front legs even around tight corners and places the seed in the centre of the tilled strip, the perfect position for quick, even germination.

It’s this ability to bring all areas of the field up to a good standard that Chris believes will give him the edge on yield. With a lot of smaller fields, headlands can make up a large proportion of the cropping area and having these perform as well as the middle of the field should see a big impact on the farms average yield.

Chris puts this consistency down to the Pro-Til’s leading leg which loosens his heavy clay soils and prepares a nursery seedbed to drill into, whilst leaving structured soil between the rows. The drills central row of weight bearing wheels spread the weight of the machine evenly over the tills and allow for even reconsolidation of the seedbed. This has been particularly beneficial for fields that were to be conventionally drilled in the Autumn and cultivated with a Vaderstaad Top Down in preparation but went on to slump over the winter due to high rainfall. In this situation, Chris says “The Pro-Til’s leading leg cultivates just enough to allow the crop to root well early on and gave it the best start.”

The drills leading leg has also allowed Chris to place his seedbed fertiliser below the seed which he suggests is another reason why his crops have performed so well this Spring. Post drilling applications of fertiliser could still be seen on the surface at the end of May, and with no rain forecast, Chris believes there could be a real benefit to placing all of the fertiliser requirement below the seed at drilling. He will be trialling this next season and hopes this will not only give the crop all the nutrition it needs where it needs it, but also minimise his risk against dry weather, and reduce the need for additional passes saving time and money.

Favouring the targeted applications of strip tillage, Chris also places his seedbed slug pellets down with the seed. “There’s no need to waste it between the rows, instead we’ve applied it exactly where it’s needed” Using a relatively low dose, this targeted application should see the active be just as effective as broadcast, if not more so and more responsibly used.

With a lot of his Autumn drilling not gone as planned, the Mzuri has shown its versatility to establish crops into a wide range of cultivated and non-cultivated fields. Moving forward, the farm will be planting direct into stubbles which will retain moisture and help improve the health and structure of his soils.

Being a new user, Chris has been very impressed with Mzuri’s level of service and support that is available to operators and has had no down time this Spring. He has even seen an increase in interest for his contracting services since adopting the new system and after picking up further income drilling Maize, it seems there could be further demand for strip tillage establishment in the area which the family are well placed to accommodate.

Plus, with a desire to keep costs down, Chris has been impressed with how well the wearing metal has performed so far. “Our front wings still have plenty of life left in them after over 1800 acres this Spring. We also find having the versatility of the different wing and coulter combinations very useful when growing a wide variety of crops like we do.”

As a leap of faith that has paid dividends so far, Chris’s takeaway message for anyone considering the strip tillage system is that it can often be a change of mindset but you will get out of the system exactly what you put in. He suggests by working with the system and understanding what you’re trying to achieve – the results speak for themselves.

Adam Lewis

Grower, Adam Lewis talks about how the Mzuri system has allowed him to reduce soil run off on his Herefordshire Farm. Upgrading from a linkage Pro-Til to a trailed machine, Adam is finding the flexibility of the split tank to be useful for both fertiliser placement and for drilling cover crop mixtures.

Adam Lewis on moving away from the plough
Adam Lewis on drilling into residue with his Pro-Til
Adam Lewis on maximising labour on farm
Adam Lewis on the benefits of a trailed Pro-Til over a mounted machine

Mzuri, Maize & Managing Soils – In Direct Driller

Featured in April 2020’s edition of Direct Driller, trial farm manager Ben Knight looks at how the Mzuri system suits Maize.

“There’s no doubt I’m a proponent for the Mzuri strip tillage system, but it’s when planting Maize that the Pro-Til’s independent pivoting coulters really come in to their own. By following the directi on of travel of the drill, even around tight headland corners, seed is placed accurately into the centre of the tilled nursery zone. The level of uniformity across the field ensures row spacings and seed depth are consistent and coupled with the Xzact seed singulation units, plants are evenly spaced apart, maximising the light intercepti on to be converted into yield.”

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Tillage & Soils Mag review the Pro-Til Xzact Seed Singulation Unit

Focussed on reducing inputs and saving passes the Xzact system provides a great opportunity to establish conventional crops and plant precisely when needed. Diesel savings of up to 80% while growing higher yielding crops have been measured by Mzuri in trials over the past few years on their trial farms. In addition, one other point to consider is the environmental benefits of leaving soil undisturbed helping to conserve biology and beneficial organisms

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Strip-Till Drill Delivers Maize Growing Championship Results in Staffordshire

Mzuri user Matthew Brown achieved fantastic results with his Maize crop in the District and County Maize competition in Staffordshire.

Not only has Mr Brown found award winning success with his Mzuri system, but he has achieved time and labour savings, healthier soils and a drill that is easy to use all in one.

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Tillage & Soils Article