Mzuri Ambassador
Ally Hunter-Blair
Area - 500 acres
Type - Arable
Soils - Light soils
Cropping - Winter Rape, Winter Wheat, Spring Barley or Spring Beans, Sugar Beet, OSR
Machinery - Mzuri Pro-Til, New Holland T7.270
Ally Hunter-Blair
Ally Hunter-Blair, a highly respected TV personality and influencer, has been making significant strides in the farming world with his captivating presence on television, local agricultural shows, and vibrant social media channels. His mission is to shed light on the triumphs and challenges of farming, illuminating the direct impact of government decisions not only on his own farm but also on the broader agricultural community. All the while, Ali manages approximately 500 acres and a glamping site. Balancing this demanding professional life is Ally’s equally busy personal life, as he raises three children – his eldest daughter aged four, who Ally jests is the Farm Manager, and twins aged two.
The Hunter-Blair family has overseen Weir End Farm since 1968. When Ally took over the business, the farm had been primarily cultivating potatoes for an extended period. Unfortunately, this practice had left the soils depleted and compacted. Recognising the urgency of soil conservation, Ally made the bold decision to completely halt potato production and transition towards a more sustainable farming approach.
In 2018, Ally embraced the shift from conventional tillage to reduced tillage, marking a transformative moment for the farm. This change led him to acquire a Simba X-Press cultivator and a second-hand tine drill. Simultaneously Ally was determined to find a solution that would minimize his time in the tractor cab.
Ally first saw a neighbour going down the road with a Mzuri drill and really liked the idea of the front leading leg lifting the soil profile one last time before drilling. After realising the manufacturers are based in Worcestershire, Ally set off to find out more about the one-pass direct drilling system.
With the UK suffering from the effects of the Best from the East storm, many growers struggled to get crops planted. Ally was unable to start drilling until the middle of April, it was then he ran a trial with several drills, the Mzuri proved most consistent on two different blocks. On the sandy soils of Weir End Farm, the Mzuri drill moves just the right amount of soil and not the whole profile. After trialling the drills, Ally was thoroughly impressed with the innovative Mzuri Pro-Til 3T direct drill, renowned for its consistent and reliable seed establishment.
The wisdom of Ally’s decision was bolstered by a grant obtained through LEADER funding, significantly easing the financial burden of the purchase, and highlighting the crucial role that such grants play in nurturing and accelerating sustainable farming practices, ensuring that dedicated farmers like Ally can access these essential resources.
Taking full advantage of the grant, the farm equipped the Mzuri Pro-Til drill with several optional extras. One particularly noteworthy addition was the Stocks TJ8 slug pelleter, which has significantly enhanced the drill’s capabilities, contributing to the overall farm efficiency and sustainability. Ali now covers 740 acres of drilling including his own farm and a neighbours, who he works in partnership with by sharing machinery.
The ground-breaking design of the Mzuri Pro-Til drill is the key to its effectiveness. It operates as a one-pass drill, seamlessly accommodating the drilling process into stubble and cover crops. The leading leg not only cultivates the soil but also retains vital crop residue on the surface, preserving essential moisture and nurturing soil organic matter. The drill’s configuration and coulters are divided into three zones (A, B, and C). Zone A features leading serrated discs and auto-reset tines to create the ideal seedbed, followed by band placement of fertiliser below the seed, enhancing production efficiency and providing readily available nutrients for optimal plant growth. The reconsolidation wheel in zone B plays a crucial role in removing air pockets, vital for healthy root development.
In zone C, the coulter tool bar operates independently to the fertiliser delivery zone. Each independent coulter applies pressure to the seed depth wheel, ensuring accurate seed placement and increasing crucial seed-to-soil contact, supporting even germination, and ultimately enhancing crop management later.
Fuel usage since adapting the Mzuri system has dropped by 35% at Weir End Farm. Previously Ally was using 18ltrs/ha of fuel to plough and a further 18ltrs/ha to combi drill, now he is using 12ltrs/ha to establish crops using the Mzuri one pass system and can even go as low as 9ltrs/ha depending on the crop being drilled and soil.
At Weir End Farm, Ally and his team take a proactive approach, servicing the Pro-Til drill annually by the dedicated service team at Mzuri to ensure optimal performance when the crucial drilling seasons arrive.
Ally values the exceptional service provided by Mzuri, stating, “I can call the Mzuri team for a part and it will arrive the next day. I once had an issue on a Friday afternoon, so I called the service team, the next thing I know they are in the field fixing the problem. The aftercare service is great, there is never an unanswered phone call.”
However, Ally’s commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop at productivity alone. He and his family are forward thinkers, diversifying the farm with glamping pods such as Bertha’s Box and Shepherd’s View. Additionally, the farm now boasts equestrian arena facilities managed by Annie, his wife. This strategic move not only enriches the farm’s revenue streams but also reflects the Hunter-Blair family’s visionary approach to farming.
The profound environmental benefits stemming from reduced tillage and fewer passes are substantial at Weir End Farm, underpinned by a recent carbon audit revealing more promising results than anticipated. For a while, Prince Charles served as the farm’s landlord; however, with his recent elevation to the position of The King of England, Prince William has now become the landlord of Weir End Farm as part of The Duchy estate. There exists a commendable alignment of priorities, centred around environmentally conscious farming practices.
Despite reservations expressed by Ally’s father regarding aesthetics, Ally recognises that the cost-effectiveness and time efficiency is paramount to the success of the Mzuri drill. His hope is to create a future-proof legacy that his children can embrace and carry forward. A thriving and sustainable farm for the next generation is Ally’s mission, and he strives to ensure that his children inherit a legacy that enables them to continue the farm’s storied success.
Ally diligently works to optimise the farm’s performance, nurture its sustainability, and has set the stage for a successful future for both his family and the farm itself.