The Rehab is a specially designed low surface disturbance subsoiler for both arable and grassland applications. Aiding drainage by lifting the soil profile, the Rehab increases available oxygen and nutrients to promote quick root development and a healthy plant.
The changeable winged points provide maximum soil shatter combined with a spring-loaded cutting disc to ensure minimum surface disturbance and better moisture retention.
By loosening lower down the soil profile, water infiltration is improved, and vigorous growth is encouraged by deep rooting of the plant. The soil is better aerated and warms rapidly in the spring.
The Rehab encourages a friable surface with the entire previous crop residue remaining on the surface to avoid locking up large amounts of valuable nitrogen.
Available in 3, 4 and 6 metres, the Rehab features a generous leg spacing of 500mm and a stagger of 750mm to ensure free movement of residue for continuous flow.
The model is linkage mounted and comes complete with spring-loaded pivoting discs to provide clean cutting action through crop residue and topsoil whilst being able to avoid stones. Individually mounted, the disc arms self-adjust to follow the contours of the ground to ensure accurate engagement across the width of the machine. Following the disc, a 15mm hardened steel leg features a replaceable tungsten carbide tipped point to pierce and lift the soil profile whilst creating minimal surface disturbance.
Operators can determine the level of fracture through the profile
by a choice of three wing widths including 55mm, 115mm and 135mm. ‘Hammer-thru’ shear pins minimise downtime whilst ensuring maximum draft control and maintaining the correct draft angle of the wing.
Behind the legs, follows a substantial packer roller with V profile rings, strategically spaced to reconsolidate either side of the leg to create a weatherproof finish.
Farming Equipment & Technology Fund (FETF)
The Mzuri Rehab Low Disturbance Subsoiler is eligible for grant funding under the Farming Equipment & Technology Fund, under the Grassland Sward Lifter category. More information will be released alongside the new round of funding available from early 2024.